Where: 815 Shannon Drive, Fayetteville NC 28303
Time: 8pm - 3am for VIP members
9pm - 3am for basic members
We will have beads to give out to everyone that attends our party this night so that you can give out beads or try to earn more. Expect to have a lot of fun and excitement this night and remember guys can earn beads to. You may also bring your own beads if you plan to give some away, remember the nicer the beads the harder it is to earn them, so let’s have fun.
Also, you can do different things to earn beads to make it even more exciting. We will add up all the beads at midnight and the person with the most beads will win a prize.
YKW is a member's only club and we average around 300 - 350 people every party.
If you do not have a YKW membership then click here to learn how to become a member.
Make A Reservation & See Who's Attending The Mardi Gras Party
To make a reservation and see a list of people who have signed up to attend this party, please click on the following link. If you have a profile on SLS please add yourself to the party. Doing this will help increase the amount of people who will be at the club and increase your chances of meeting someone new, thank you.
Remember the more people that sign up the more likely it is that others will sign up and attend the party, this will then give you more people to meet and have fun with.