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NO Means NO - If you tell someone no to something then they should respect your wishes and stop doing what you asked them to stop doing. If they do not then let a member of security or staff know, so we can ask them to stop or they will be asked to leave and risk having their membership revoked.

Do Not Touch Anyone Without Asking - There are often nude or semi-nude people walking around or flirting with others all over the club and even some ladies giving lap dances. If you see someone that you would like to play with, you must ask first, DO NOT walk up to someone and just start touching them without asking first. If a lady is giving you a lap dance, ask her first if it is okay to touch her as she is dancing for you. Just because she is flirting or dancing for you does not mean that she wants to be touched, some people like to just put on a show and do not want to do anything else, so always ask. If a couple is having fun, ask first, if it is okay to touch or play with them. DO NOT just start rubbing on someone, sticking your fingers, or placing your hands where they do not belong. 

No Still, Video Or Digital Cameras Are Allowed - We respect everyone's right to privacy and want to safeguard your identity. We do not take pictures of anyone and we do not allow photography inside the club, except for in one designated photo area that is clearly marked. Please do not take any pictures inside the club, unless you are in a private room with the door shut and everyone in that room says you can take a picture or in our designated photo area. If we see anyone taking pictures with their cell phone we will ask you to delete the picture you took and to not take any more pictures.

Smoking Is Only Allowed In One Designated Area - For the most part YKW is smoke free inside the club, although we do allow vaping. Smoking cigarettes is allowed only in one room and one room only. We do not allow anyone to smoke anywhere else inside the club other than in this one room. This room is a large private area of the club behind a closed door. It is equipped with a large ventilation fan and an air purifier to control the smoke. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause some guests but it is something that we feel is necessary for the continued support and growth of YKW.

No Hard Alcohol is Allowed - We know that some people may not like this rule but YKW does not have a liquor license so hard alcohol is not allowed. After many long talks with ABC, BYOB limited to beer and wine products only, is the best solution for the club and all of its members. Yes, we could get a liquor license or a brown bag permit, but there are a lot of rules and laws that go with those permits that would not be good for the club or its members. If we find you with hard alcohol you run the risk of being removed and/or banned the club. If ABC comes into the club to do a check and finds you with hard alcohol it is a $286 fine for you and for the club. If you hide your hard alcohol or even throw empty or full bottles in the trash the club will face a $500 fine plus we will have to go to court. Continued abuse like this could even get the club shut down.

Nothing Illegal Allowed - YKW does not allow any illegal activity of any kind, this includes but not limited to drugs, prostitution, or gambling. We have worked very hard to provide a safe, secure, relaxing environment for our members to enjoy and we will do everything in our power to protect our members and the club. If you know something is illegal don't do it, anyone found doing anything illegal will be permanently banned for life.

ABSOLUTELY NO ILLEGAL DRUGS - Please DO NOT bring any kind of illegal drugs to the club; the last thing that any of us want is to bring unwanted attention to the club. NO sharing of prescription drugs allowed, NO smoking "weed". Anyone caught with any illegal drug will be asked to leave immediately, have their membership revoked, and banned from the club.

Excessive Drinking Will Not Be Tolerated - We want you to have fun and enjoy the party but we do not want you falling down getting hurt or hurting others. Some people have a tendency to say things to someone that they would not normally say and we do not want to hurt anyone's feelings or cause a problem. Also, do not enter the club drunk. If you are noticeably drunk when you enter the club and have a hard time walking or talking we will ask you to leave. Some people tend to have rude behavior when they have had too much do drink and we only want everyone to have a good time with no worries or drama. If you do drink make sure that you have a designated driver, we do not want anyone to leave our party under the influence of alcohol. If you can't drive then stay until you sober up.

No Fighting - Before you come to YKW please talk to your partner and discuss what you both are comfortable with and what you would like to do. Make sure that you are secure in your relationship and respect each other's wishes. Do not do something that you or your partner is uncomfortable with and causes an argument. If a discussion becomes heated, do not argue, scream, or yell in front of everyone. Take it outside away from everyone so you do not ruin anyone else's time at the party. If you cannot settle your differences, please take it home; don't wait for us to ask you to leave.

No Weapons Allowed - Everyone is here to make new friends and have fun. Absolutely no one is allowed to have a weapon inside the club or on club property. Small pocket knives, pepper spray, etc. for your personal protection are fine. Guns, absolutely not allowed, even if they are unloaded do not bring them in the club. If you feel as though you need a weapon at our club then we do not want you at our club. Anyone found with a weapon will be banned from the club.

If you see anything wrong, have a problem with someone or something please tell us immediately and let us know during the party when it happens. We cannot fix things if we do not know something is wrong. Just let anyone in a security shirt know, go to the front desk, or ask to talk to Chris or Annette, the club owners.

© 2021 You Know Where LLC, YKW established March 5 2005

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