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Where: 815 Shannon Drive, Fayetteville NC 28303
  Time: 8pm - 3am for VIP members
           9pm - 3am for basic members


We're letting it all out tonight for our Traffic Light event! Show off what you are looking for as you walk through the door.
If you are looking for:
Girl/Girl Action: Wear RED!
Soft Swap: Wear YELLOW!
Full Swap: Wear GREEN!

YKW is a member's only club and we average around 200 - 250 people every party.

If you do not have a YKW membership then click here to learn how to become a member.

Make A Reservation & See Who's Attending The Traffic Light Party

To make a reservation and see a list of people who have signed up to attend this party, please click on the following link. If you have a profile on SLS please add yourself to the party. Doing this will help increase the amount of people who will be at the club and increase your chances of meeting someone new, thank you.

Remember the more people that sign up the more likely it is that others will sign up and attend the party, this will then give you more people to meet and have fun with.


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